Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Election Analysis
Great article from anti-pinoy websight by Jose Rizal II.
Faster than anyone could say “President-elect Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III”, numerous Noynoy-Mar supporters from the burgis class and Liberal Party supporters were shell-shocked to see Makati Mayor and VP-candidate Jejomar Binay consistently dominate the polls over Mar Roxas. While these same people were primed to think that Mar Roxas originally had a strong showing in the surveys, it now seems like what everyone refers to as the “Noy-Bi” campaign was a scheme cooked up from the very beginning by no less than Noynoy Aquino’s own close relatives who were outside of the Liberal Party’s command-structure.
Noy-Bi: Underhanded and Sneaky
No one expected Binay to be the dark horse (figuratively and literally) who would “come from behind” and take the lead. Ever since the Liberal Party fielded the Noy-Mar tandem, both Noynoy and Mar were presented as leading the SWS and Pulse Asia surveys even if Mar wasn’t exactly doing well in the surveys as a presidential candidate before Cory’s death and before he slid down to VP. In fact, back in January, it was Noynoy who was in danger of losing his lead when Villar was said to be “statistically-tied” with him, while Mar continued to maintain his lead in the surveys.
Then suddenly, out of nowhere, almost a month before the May 10 polls, the idea of an Aquino-Binay tandem was publicized first in campaign ads by a little-known party-list and a little later on by Chiz Escudero. Most members of the burgis class who supported the official Liberal Party’s tandem brushed it off as a cheap trick by Binay and most just shrugged it off as being a desperate but futile attempt that was destined to fail.
Suddenly, just before the May 10 polls, the latest survey results revealed that Binay might just win over Mar. The May 10 polls came and guess what happened: Binay maintained a consistent and steady lead over Mar Roxas.
No one saw it coming. No one thought it would be possible. But there you go, the Noy-Bi campaign actually worked.
Numerous people did their own little surveys among the masa-types (cab drivers, security guards, etc) and asked whom they voted for. The result: Noynoy for President; Binay for Vice-President.
When asked for details on whether they decided based on Chiz Escudero’s “Noy-Bi” ads, the answer was that Chiz Escudero’s message was a little too late in the game: They were already going for Noynoy-Binay ever since late 2009.
Self-Proclaimed Activist Harvey Keh Cries Foul about Anti-Mar Sabotage
Keh cries foul: "People high up in Noynoy's campaign are pushing for Noy-Bi"
A few days before the May 10 polls, Kaya Natin! Founder and Noy-Mar cheerleader Harvey Keh was observed by numerous people to have been posting status updates that hinted to his fellow Kaya Natin! Activists and Liberal Party supporters that he had inside information that certain people who were key players in the “Noynoy for President” campaign were actively sabotaging Mar Roxas and the Liberal Party by being involved in spreading the Noy-Bi campaign and lending support to it. His advice to his fellow activists was to stay the course in rooting for the Noy-Mar+Liberal Party slate and ignore or reject all attempts by anyone – whoever they may be – to sow confusion and division.
Who Else Could It Be?
To anyone who wonders who comprise the general “Noynoy for President” campaign, it’s quite obvious that while you may have the “monolithic” Liberal Party and its volunteers rooting for the Noy-Mar tandem, above that, there is an “inner-circle” core group of closely-associated supporters with a pure “Noynoy” campaign, regardless of who his running mate is.
Who else but Noynoy’s own close relatives and their pawns!
Why Sabotage Mar Roxas?
Unfortunately, Mar Roxas’ economic ideals run counter to what Noynoy’s close relatives and family friends from the Oligarch class want the economy to look like.
Mar Roxas and the Liberal Party essentially stand for economic liberalization. The end goal is the removal of protectionist barriers that inhibit foreign investors from actively choosing the Philippines as an investment location, which would bring in more foreign capital and more importantly, more advanced foreign technology, systems, management concepts and techniques, and insights that could drastically improve the overall business environment, business culture, and job market in the Philippines.
Sabotaged by Kamag-anak Inc.
The Oligarchs, especially those from the old Hacienda-owning Sangley-Mestizo families (Cojuangco, Yulo, Lopez, etc) who are descended from Southern Chinese immigrants who were baptized into Catholicism, intermarried with native women and were granted the right to own land by the Spanish authorities as an incentive for conversion into Catholicism and produced a caste of Filipinos who now comprise the dominant upper crust of landowners, would prefer a protectionist economy which would favor “local business owners” under the guise of “nationalism.” Unbeknownst to the masses, the end result would be monopolistic businesses, higher prices, and fewer job opportunities.
Indeed, this was a topic of discussion in a Sentro ng Katotohanan (1242 KhZ AM; 8:30pm-9:30pm; T-TH) broadcast in late 2009 when a radio guest mentioned that there seemed to be possible areas of conflict between some of Noynoy Aquino’s statements and the Liberal Party’s official platform. He commented that while the Liberal Party’s official platform was very much in favor of liberalizing the economy through the removal of protectionism and the invitation of foreign investors, resulting in the creation of numerous new jobs for ordinary Filipinos, Noynoy had on several occasions mentioned that he was against any changes being done to his mother’s 1987 Constitution. The radio guest mentioned, however, that one of the main prerequisites to achieving the goals of economic liberalization and the attraction of foreign investment in more sectors of the Philippine Economy was to amend the Constitution particularly on the protectionist 60-40 provisions on business ownership by foreigners.
To everyone who astutely observed the plans of the Liberal Party’s tandem, it was very obvious that the Liberal Party President Mar Roxas gave way to Noynoy Aquino as standard bearer, with the obvious agreement that it was Noynoy’s job to exploit his name, surname, parents’ name, and their legacy in order to win as many votes as a tandem, and as planned, Mar Roxas as Vice-President would do the real work of managing the economy and taking care of the difficult decision-making. This “agreement” between Noynoy and Mar was made more explicit when, thanks to the confusing publicity of Chiz Escudero’s Noy-Bi campaign ads, Noynoy admitted in public that he was planning to share 50%-80% of his Presidential Powers with his Vice-Presidential running mate Mar Roxas.
As Mar’s pro-foreign investment and economic liberalization agenda clashed with the Oligarchic Kamag-anak Inc.’s pro-protectionism agenda, Mar was not going to be acceptable to them as Noynoy’s VP.
Backtrack to 1986: Doy Laurel and the Kamag-anak Inc. Cordon-Sanitaire
What the Oligarchic relatives of Noynoy did to Mar Roxas was not too different from what these same Kamag-anaks did to Doy Laurel.
Blocked by Kamag-anak Inc.
Recall that Doy Laurel was originally the leader of the united opposition against Marcos, dubbed “UNIDO”, and it was originally his plan to run for President against Marcos. Due to the overwhelming Pinoy emo-sentimentality that was going for the charming and charismatic wife of slain opposition former Senator Ninoy Aquino, public sentiment of the anti-Marcos bloc was for Cory Aquino. Thanks to the intervention of numerous kingmakers such as the late Jaime Cardinal Sin, Doy Laurel decided to give in to Cory Aquino to run as President while he would just have to accept the post of Vice-President.
Internally, though, it had been agreed that Cory Aquino was there to be the vote magnet, the crowd-puller, and the figurehead. Doy Laurel, on the other hand, was expected to be the real decision maker, himself being well-prepared by his own experience, political savvy, and decision-making ability.
Come People Power, after Marcos was deposed and both Cory Aquino and Doy Laurel were sworn in by Justice Claudio Teehankee at the Club Filipino, and Cory Aquino declared that Doy Laurel would be Prime Minister (which during Marcos’ post Martial Law era was essentially the equivalent of Executive Secretary), everything changed. Suddenly, Cory withdrew the appointment of Doy as Prime Minister. In fact, most accounts say this change happened in a matter of hours.
Worse, as soon as it was time to start doing real work, Doy Laurel was kept out of the loop in everything that the Office of the President did.
Kamag-anak, Inc. was now calling the shots, not Doy Laurel as was supposed to have been originally agreed.
Essentially, the inner-circle of Cojuangco relatives, particularly Jose “Peping” Cojuangco, Jr. and his cohorts had decided to keep Doy out of the loop by preventing him from having any real contact with Cory. This was done by staffing Cory’s secretariat staff exclusively with close Cojuangco relatives from within the Jose Cojuangco wing of the clan. That staff would be primarily staffed with people who were Cory’s children (like Ballsy) or children of Cory’s siblings. Everyone would be a niece or nephew of Cory and Peping, and, as it turns out, would be receiving strict instructions from Peping on how to handle Doy Laurel when he calls.
Anyone who reads through Doy Laurel’s memoirs and old recollections will find that Doy Laurel sought to meet with Cory Aquino numerous times in order to discuss policy directions for the Philippines. Unfortunately, Doy could never reach Cory on the phone because the secretariat staff (Cory’s own relatives) were instructed by Peping to always tell Doy that Cory was “in a meeting right now” or “out of the office” or “will be returning your call.” As it turns out – if Doy’s accounts are to be believed, under no circumstances were they to tell Cory herself that her own Vice-President and anti-Marcos ally had called, because Doy claims his calls were never returned.
It was because of this cordon-sanitaire and obvious snubbing he received from Kamag-anak Inc. that Doy Laurel later became part of the opposition.
Today’s Technology Won’t Allow a Cordon-Sanitaire to Work: Just Dump Mar
Noynoy as the Yellow Emperor: a mere figurehead
The cordon-sanitaire that Peping Cojuangco is said to have set up worked back then because the technology available at the time made it possible to block Cory from receiving private calls (it was the protocol to always have phones routed through to secretaries first) and all mail would be pre-screened before letting Cory read them. Obviously, with today’s cellphones and e-mail, establishing a cordon-sanitaire just isn’t going to work.
If we had e-mails and cellphones back then, Doy would be able to reach Cory privately by directly calling her cellphone or directly sending e-mails to share his concerns and give suggestions. No cordon-sanitare would work to censor any incoming messages coming from Doy meant for Cory.
Since Kamag-anak Inc, led by Peping Cojuangco and his gang didn’t want Mar Roxas, clearly Noynoy’s intellectual superior, dictating his own economic agenda and other suggestions on policies and decision-making to Noynoy, they realized that the only way to prevent him from ever having any influence on Noynoy was to take him out and prevent him from winning. The result of that is the Noy-Bi plot: Sabotage Mar and prevent him from holding an office that would give him the right to influence Noynoy, and put in someone else – Jejomar Binay – who has no real economic agenda who is likely to kow-tow to Kamag-anak, Inc.’s wishes.
Never mind that Jejomar Binay was formerly an old Aquino loyalist who later shifted his allegiance to Marcos loyalist Erap Estrada. Peping and company decided that Binay was “easier to control” than the internationally-oriented and pro-Foreign Investment Mar Roxas and since Binay projected himself as a Filipino Nationalist and populist, he would be more amenable to the Economic Protectionism agenda of the Oligarchs led by Peping and Noynoy’s other Cojuangco relatives.
For Kamag-anak Inc., the decision was to drop Mar and support Binay.
SWS and Pulse Asia: Part of the Noy-Bi Conspiracy Ever Since; Mar and Villar Duped by Surveys
As already mentioned earlier, there are a lot of signs that show the collusion between SWS and Pulse Asia on the one hand, and Kamag-anak Inc. on the other. Both SWS and Pulse Asia are clearly connected to the Noynoy camp through association and even consanguinity. (Pulse Asia was founded and is partly-owned by Noynoy’s Cojuangco cousins Rafael Cojuangco Lopa and Tonyboy Cojuangco)
Recall that the public was made to believe from the very start that Manny Villar was Noynoy’s key rival for the presidency and that Mar Roxas was supposedly leading the surveys with Loren Legarda following behind. The obvious plot was a form of misdirection and deception: Campaign for Noynoy by contrasting him against Villar. Demonize Villar, to make Noynoy look like an Angel versus the “Evil Villar.” Focus attacks on Villar, but avoid too much mudslinging on Erap, so as not to antagonize a huge base of Erap fans (those who voted for Erap in 1998 and FPJ in 2004), many of whom decided to root for Noynoy early on in 2009. The intense focus on Villar as “The Main Enemy” as he was perceived by Noynoy supporters to be in second place, meant any disagreement with a Noynoy supporter (on internet forums or in actual conversations) would cause the Noynoy supporter to automatically label anyone who dared to disagree as being pro-Villar. Such was the extent to which the Noynoy campaign intensely and fanatically focused its attacks on Villar, and as a result, avoided attacking the Erap-Binay camp.
Moreover, the whole idea of making it appear that Mar was leading the surveys with Loren not too far behind, was meant to give Mar Roxas and the Liberal Party the overconfidence and the impression that having Noynoy as the Presidential standard-bearer was to the Liberal Party’s advantage, as they could ride on the Aquino-frenzy and win. It seems very plausible that little did the Liberal Party know they were being taken for a ride by the two Kamaganak-affiliated survey firms SWS and Pulse Asia.
The May 10 Poll results reveal that not only were those early results showing that Villar had a strong following at second place totally wrong, or that the survey result that showed that Villar was statistically tied with Noynoy in the recent January survey results were baseless, it also shows that what they presented as Mar’s strong performance in the surveys versus survey second-placer Loren was a ruse!
Doctored surveys showed Villar was 2nd to Noy
All those results that showed Villar putting up a fight with Noynoy were obviously meant to help Binay’s campaign as Erap’s running mate since Noynoy’s supporters would then focus their attacks almost exclusively on Villar and hardly attack Erap and his running mate. In the meantime, by deceiving the public that Mar was leading in the surveys with Loren following closely behind, the idea was clearly meant to get the Liberal Party’s political machinery focusing on defeating Loren, as well as propping up Noynoy as well, not on defeating Binay.
Recall that the Liberal Party stepped up its campaign for Noynoy when it was shown that Mar continued his lead for the vice-presidency while Noynoy’s position was allegedly threatened by Villar. It is very plausible that Mar wasn’t really leading the old surveys from the very beginning and was instead neck-to-neck with Binay, with Binay already having a slightly better lead over Mar.
By duping Mar to think he was leading and that his fight was with Loren, Mar wasn’t going to be too concerned about the need to campaign, as he was led to believe that his main focus was against her.
All that underhanded deception was meant to allow the manipulative and sneaky Kamag-anak Inc. and its associated groups to run a clandestine parallel grassroots campaign for the Noynoy-Binay tandem virtually unnoticed and undetected.
It is quite obvious that in order to justify the May 10 results as showing Binay as Vice President and Erap at second place for President, so as not to undermine the credibility of both the Kamag-anak Inc-affiliated SWS and Cojuangco/Lopa-controlled Pulse Asia, the surveys were made to progressively start showing Binay’s and Erap’s rise much later towards election day. Unfortunately, there is nothing to support the idea that former Villar supporters would actually shift allegiance to Erap towards May 10. The same thing goes with the improbability that voters shifted their allegiance from Mar Roxas and Loren Legarda to Binay. Demographically, Binay supporters fall under a totally different category (lower socio-economic stratum and recipients of Binay’s patronage) from that of both Mar Roxas and Loren Legarda (both of whose supporters are more “burgis” than “masa”).
There is instead more evidence that the people who voted for Binay on Election Day are the same people who’ve been supportive of Binay since the very beginning.
Considering the improbability of certain specific shifts from one candidate to another, it is thus extremely suspicious to see that both the SWS and Pulse Asia would, for the longest time, publicize results which were totally inconsistent with the post Election Day reality.
There is a consensus that SWS and Pulse Asia had maliciously concocted survey results early on that were meant to make Manny Villar and the public think he was within striking distance of Noynoy, that Mar Roxas was consistently leading the Vice-Presidential race, and that Erap Estrada and Jejomar Binay were far from winning.
There is a very strong suspicion that SWS and Pulse Asia’s apparently doctored survey results were part of the plot by Kamag-Anak Inc. to deflect any early detection of the under-handed plot to sabotage the Liberal Party and its leader Mar Roxas as Noynoy’s running mate, and run a clandestine parallel grassroots campaign for a Noynoy-Binay Tandem from the very start.
Emanating from Kamag-anak Inc: Excuses Made to Mask Mar’s Loss
Peping: CEO of Kamag-anak Inc.
Kamag-Anak Inc. obviously doesn’t want to look like they had anything to do with the Noy-Bi plot to sabotage Mar and the Liberal Party. Instead of owning up to the obvious mess that Noynoy’s relatives created, numerous paid-hacks have come out of the woodwork to make all sorts of excuses to explain away why Mar Roxas was consistently lagging behind Jejomar Binay in the real polls.
Numerous commentaries came out, such as the accusation that “Mar didn’t quite catch the Yellow Fever” to explain that Mar didn’t win because he wasn’t fully-integrated with the Yellow Aquino-Magic and chose to stick with his signature blue shirt instead of wearing a Yellow Shirt just like Noynoy.
Another one erroneously claimed that Kris Aquino’s scandals affected Noynoy’s survey results (which scandal hit which survey results?!?), allegedly prompting Mar to “distance himself” from the Noynoy campaign. On the contrary, it was quite obvious that after the January “survey results”which led the public to believe that Villar was “statistically-tied” to Noynoy, both the Liberal Party and Mar actually went out of their way to campaign really hard for Noynoy. In fact, while there were so many Noynoy stickers without Mar on them, there weren’t any campaign materials with Mar alone.
Other people even went on to speculate that Mar Roxas didn’t do very well because “people didn’t like his wife, Korina Sanchez.” Some even talked about a supposed rift between Noynoy and Mar in the course of the campaign a little over a month before election day where Mar is said to have dismissed some campaign. Everyone gave all sorts of petty excuses to explain Mar’s loss away, conveniently avoiding any talk of the fact that the Noy-Bi plot to dislodge Mar emanated from the very core of Noynoy’s own inner circle: Peping Cojuangco, Tony Boy Cojuangco, Rafael Cojuangco Lopa, and Peping Cojuangco-led Kamag-anak Inc.
Just recently, the great deceiver and pied-piper named Conrado de Quiros came up with a two part-piece that tried to make sense of why Mar Roxas was clearly junked by Kamag-anak Inc. along with the Liberal Party and lost to Binay.
The Anti-Economic Liberalization De Quiros made the same old smokescreen excuse that:
De Quiros: Liar & Spin-doctor
“Mar made it a point to be a separate entity; he made it a point not to own Edsa (which he already did by getting a rocket boost to his career by the “sacrifice” of sliding down for the greater glory of Edsa); he distanced himself from Noynoy when the sun was shining on his side of the hill. He insisted on being blue to Noynoy’s yellow, and it didn’t turn out to be velvet.”
He also made it a point to criticize the Liberal Party by claiming that back in November, it was compromising its principles…
“…because it was giving the campaign a trapo (traditional politician) image. That took the form in particular of contemplating bringing in “winnable” candidates like Jinggoy Estrada and even Bongbong Marcos into its senatorial roster. It went beyond contemplation in the case of Ralph Recto, a staunch Arroyo ally whose conscription so pissed off Serge OsmeƱa that he quit the group altogether. The logic of this idiocy was that after Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III won he would need allies in the Senate to push his reform agenda.”
There is absolutely no indication that such accusations even had an effect on Mar Roxas’ standing in those “surveys.” What the unanalytical and agenda-driven Conrado de Quiros needs to realize is that in all probability, Mar Roxas wasn’t all that strong among the voting population in the first place, but Kamag-anak Inc. seems to have manipulated the survey results by the Kamag-anak-affiliated SWS and Kamag-anak-owned Pulse Asia to fool Mar Roxas and the Liberal Party into thinking that Mar continued to have strong support, despite what was obviously an underhanded and undetected clandestine grassroots campaign to sabotage Mar Roxas and promote the Noynoy-Binay tandem on the side.
By not showing Binay as being “within striking distance” on the radar screen early on in the campaign period, Kamag-anak Inc. could easily and stealthily mount their parallel campaign for Noy-Bi undetected and uninterrupted until much closer towards Election Day, when the Noy-Bi campaign would then become more out in the open, fronted by someone not visibly connected to Kamag-anak Inc: Chiz Escudero.
Conrado de Quiros needs to realize that Mar Roxas and the Liberal Party were maliciously used and exploited by Kamag-anak Incorporated in order to make use of their campaign machinery andtheir volunteer groups for cause of getting Noynoy Aquino elected into the Presidency.
But since the Liberal Party and Mar Roxas have always had an economic liberalization and pro-foreign investment agenda that was running diametrically opposed to the economic protectionism agenda of the Cojuangcos’ Kamag-anak Inc. and their fellow-Oligarch backers, there was no way that Kamag-anak Inc. would have allowed Mar Roxas and the Liberal Party agenda to dominate Noynoy’s programme of governance.
Conrado de Quiros, an avowed Leftist and staunch opponent of economic liberalization finds the Feudal Oligarchy to be a useful ally in keeping out foreign investments. As such, the Great Pretender that he is has decided to make all sorts of excuses that would justify why Mar lost and why Mar was “rejected” by Kamag-anak Inc.
Poor Mar Roxas. Poor Liberal Party. Poor Kaya Natin! Poor Noy-Mar Volunteer Groups.
They thought they were doing something good, and instead, they actively caused Kamag-anak Inc. and puppetmaster Peping Cojuangco to get reinstated into power, and they were almost totally left out to dry.
All of this because the Liberal Party and its leader Mar Roxas advocate a pro-foreign investment economic liberalization platform that runs diametrically-opposed to Kamag-anak Inc’s Oligarch-friendly agenda favoring economic protectionism.
Off to a Bad Start: Sense of Betrayal; Minority President; Hostile Senate and House; Chief Justice
Thanks to the malicious schemes played out by Peping Cojuangco and Kamag-anak Inc., Noynoy Aquino is in for major trouble even way before starting his term!
MLQ3 idiotically thinks 40% plurality is an overwhelming mandate
With most members of the Liberal Party and other allied groups totally disgusted by what has now been exposed to be an insidious plot by Noynoy’s own uncle Peping and Kamag-anak Inc to actively, but sneakily sabotage Mar and the Liberal Party, there is chaos and division even among the very supporters of Noynoy Aquino. Combine that problem of divison and disunity within the Pro-Noynoy camp with the fact that Noynoy Aquino, despite all the misguided description of him as “The People’s President” or “the President with a Landslide” does not have a real mandate because he only happens to be a Minority President having roughly around 40% of all the votes cast. A real landslide is a Majority win, not a Plurality.
Then he has a hostile Upper House and Lower House. Then there’s this brouhaha with the new Chief Justice Corona.
Noynoy Aquino is really off to a very bad start.
No matter what his clueless and agenda-driven drumbeaters Conrado de Quiros and Manuel L. Quezon III say in order to make it appear that everything will be better with Noynoy as President, it looks like Noynoy Aquino is going to need more than “the Aquino Legacy” or his mother’s “magic” on his side.
The Real Solution: A Unity Government
Noynoy Aquino is not going to enjoy the same euphoric high that his mother Cory started her administration on. In 1986, the Public (at least a real majority) was extremely happy and in high spirits. Everyone was Proud to be Pinoy. No one among Cory’s supporters felt betrayed (not yet, at least). And Cory was said by analysts to have actually enjoyed an absolute majority of at least 55% to probably a little over 60% of the entire vote.
Contrast that with 2010… The Public is happy only that the automated elections were much faster than how things were before and that many losing candidates conceded early. But that’s just about it. A much bigger number of people were depressed about “how stupid Filipinos are with how they vote” and an extremely huge number of supporters of the winning Presidential Candidate felt betrayed by the winning candidates own relatives. And there’s the fact that Noynoy is a minority president.
What mandate is that imbecile Manuel L. Quezon III talking about?
For Noynoy Aquino to effectively govern, he will need to make a real and meaningful Unity Government with his fellow candidates for President, particularly those who will be laying low and semi-retiring into private life for the time being. It is a real shame that these same people who will be laying low are themselves some of the most competent candidates in the entire electoral campaign.
Marcos may win in 2016 if Aquino fouls up
For one, Noynoy will need to get the Liberal Party and the numerous Mar Roxas supporters who felt totally betrayed by his own relatives on his side. Then there are the competent candidates from competing parties such as Noynoy’s own second cousin Gibo Teodoro, turnaround-specialists Bayani Fernando and Richard Gordon. In order to get on the soft-side of Lakas-Kampi-CMD which will clearly dominate the soon to be strong House of Representatives, Noynoy should tap his own mother’s loyal successor, former President Fidel V. Ramos, who could bring all these men together due to his seniority.
Noynoy need not turn them into cabinet officials, especially considering that they will be subject to a ban on official cabinet appointments for a year. But Noynoy can certainly publicly announce that he will be actively tapping into the minds of these “worthy opponents” as it would be a waste to let their experiences, their expertise and competence, and their dedication to making things better for Filipinos go to waste. Not only will Noynoy’s administration benefit positively from the solid competence that that those men will bring to the table, Noynoy will effectively show to the Public that he is serious about uniting the country and the supporters of those competent statesmen will then be brought to Noynoy’s side.
Noynoy will already have the Erap crowd with him through his Vice-President (and old “family friend”) Jejomar Binay. He needs to get a huge swath of the 60% who did not vote for him and whose parties are represented in the Congress and Senate on his side.
Lastly, Noynoy will need to “grow the balls” necessary to be a real President by totally rejecting the overtures of his own relatives from Kamag-anak Inc. and the entrenched Oligarchy. He will need to focus almost exclusively on the Economy and make use of the fastest tried-and-tested economic growth model and the most rapid job creation program: Economic Liberalization and the Massive Attraction of Direct Foreign Investment. Jobs and food on the table are what Filipinos need, not empty slogans about “Corruption” and prosecuting his predecessor. Noynoy will only be able to resist Kamag-anak Inc. if he gets Gibo, Bayani, Gordon, and FVR as consultants and turns them into his own “Council of Trent.”
If he does not do this, however, Noynoy Aquino will be on the path to self-destruction and in 2016, Noynoy will have become the cause for the probable Return of the Marcoses when Bongbong presents himself as the “antidote” that would fix the Noynoy mess that Kamag-anak Inc. is now actively causing the Philippines to be in.
President-elect Noynoy may choose to pay close attention to our advice about the proposed “Unity Government” or he may choose to ignore it. The Truth is: He has no other choice. He clearly won’t like it when we at AP say “We told you so!”
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