Wednesday, March 28, 2007

As good as it gets

My friend had a dream but woke to reality the longer he stayed. So what to do?

I don't know. Dreams are like wishful thinking. Maybe it's like going into a nice looking restaurant and expecting good food. But the food does not taste good once served. So what to do?

If you're in your lunch break with limited time, maybe just finish the food. Or maybe complain to the cook and have the food changed (if that's possible because the next serving may taste as bad). Or perhaps just leave and insist on a refund and find another restaurant.

Or maybe it's an acquired taste like eating durian or escargot (snails) or horse meat . It just takes getting used to. In this case perhaps a change of mind set (or taste buds) or frame of reference is required.

Perhaps we should enjoy what we have now because it maybe the best experience we will ever have in our life. But we just don't know it yet. What do you think?

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